The Happy Dance


I have always believed happiness is not constant. If it were like that, perhaps we would never even notice we are happy, we would just be… in a regular state, I guess. For me, happiness feels like heartbeats – you get peaks of feel-good moments, and when you get lots of those in a row, it feels as if your heart were speeding and almost skipping a beat, so you might as well assert you are happy; when those happiness peaks are not as frequent then one tends to think (and feel) one is not so happy – and one would be right.

So, what is happiness? It all depends on the person you are asking, of course. I am one of those lucky individuals who feel happy quite easily and quite frequently for the most diverse reasons – Did my sourdough bread rise beautifully? Yits does the happy dance; did my kids wake up in a good mood and for no reason whatsoever, and without me saying it first, uttered an “I love you mommy” while hugging me? Dude, of course Yits does the happy dance and skips; did I complete a painting and felt at least mildly satisfied with the resulting image? Yits does the happy dance and posts her work on Instagram, clearly; did I hop on the scale and found out another kilo is gone? Yits does the happy dance and feels even more inspired to go on a run or to spend an hour biking in her basement; did I receive a nice compliment and was told I am an inspiration and a muse? Man, there’s no doubt Yits does the happy dance and welcomes the blush on her cheeks with a grateful disposition.

Happiness does come in many shapes, and it is not my place to question it. I mean, many people would, but not me. Seizing the feeling is simply delightful, and while some people might be more objective than me and would question if they are feeling happy for the right reasons, or if such happiness has the potential to be enduring, I simply take it for what it is, enjoy it and hope my next fix will come soon, like a happy junky, taking it all in. Future Yits will deal with the consequences, if there are any, because consequences are something nobody escapes. They always catch up with us.

Meanwhile, I don’t see why any consequences should be negative as of today, and those happy peaks seem to be quite close to each other, so, of course, Yits does the happy dance and enjoys the moment because she’s well deserving of said temporary happiness.

I just got under the 80-kilo mark today, and this week I completed an oil painting of my lovely, lovely girl. Life is beautiful today, y’all. Be happy for me.

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